Powering leadership teams to thrive in complexity

The Olori Network provides a full-service solution of culture, change, and leadership consulting so CEOs and senior leaders can get unstuck and drive results.

CEOs in all sectors are navigating a rapidly changing landscape.

of leaders report feeling burned out at the end of the day


of employees experience competing priorities they don’t know how to balance


of change efforts fail


At The Olori Network, we’ve done the work of leading people, teams, and organizations.

We understand what you’re going through.

We’ve also studied and supported hundreds of leadership teams.

We understand the patterns and how to disrupt them.

What sets us apart:

  • We’ve led peoples, teams, and organizations. We’ve been where you are and have pattern recognition for what’s happening.

  • Before we led board rooms, we led classrooms. We’re experts in making complex topics simple, sticky, and actionable so you can apply new tools immediately.

  • We’re a Black-owned and -run firm. We’re attentive to how power and privilege show up, and we center the fullness of people’s experiences.

Trusted by leading organizations including: