Meet Ana.

Ana is a veteran Founder and CEO. Her organization is at a pivotal point of having to rethink its service model.

  • The political landscape is threatening funding. 

  • Executives are at odds over the direction they should go. 

  • Meetings are tense and often spiral into arguments.  

  • Company culture is trending downward.  

Discovery illuminated how aspects of Ana's leadership and team dynamics were keeping the group stuck in unproductive patterns.

Through a series of tailored engagements, Ana and team:

  • Contended with the patterns that weren’t serving them

  • Learned new tools for communicating through conflict

  • Received real-time coaching to apply the tools

  • Attended retreats to repair relationships

  • Engaged in Advisory to improve team practices

As a result:

  • Ana is no longer at the center of every decision

  • Meetings are more focused, productive, and joyful

  • Ana has time back to drive the business results that matter

“I look back on last year and I don’t know what it would be like The Olori Network hadn’t partnered with us as we braved unchartered waters.

I am forever grateful.

— Client

Every team, leader, and context is different — so our support is tailored to meet you where you are.

We’ll design a custom plan to meet your needs.